Solar News
Tata Power Solar executes 2 MW captive solar power plant for Chennai Silks
Coimbatore-based Chennai Silks Group today made its foray into solar energy
sector, commissioning its first 2 MW captive solar power plant here in Tirupur
district, about 80 KMs from Coimbatore. The Rs 16 crore plant, executed by Tata
Power Solar (TPS) in a 'record time' of three months, was expected to generate
3.1 Million Units of electricity in the first year of operation, Group Managing
Director, N K Nandagopal told reporters here. The plant, inaugurated by Forest
Minister M S M Anandan, would work under the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)
mechanism and the group would share the energy generated with Tamil Nadu
Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) and in return will get an
equivalent quantity of uninterrupted electricity supply to its textile unit
situated at a distance from this plant, he said. An additional income of about
Rs 3 to Rs.3.72 crore through trading of REC was expected besides Rs.1.5 to Rs.2
crore in year as energy cost savings, he claimed. The group has plans to add
another 12 MW at the same location with an investment of Rs.125 crore. A three
MW plant would be commissioned by September and another nine or 10 MW by March
next year, Nandagopal later told PTI. Dr Arulkumar P Shanmugasundram, Executive
Vice President- Project and Chief Technical Officer, TPS, Bangalore, said the
investment made in the plant can be ploughed back in a span of five to six